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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  September 15, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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quickly. clear skies and very quickly in the next few hours we will see sunshine. 57 in san jose and 59 in sunnyvale. 53 in san francisco. up into the north bay, one of the cooler spots. 48 in novato. we are watching a few clouds on the coast, but the big picture shows the storm track is well off to the north. up into alaska. no major storm systems headed our way over this weekend. temperatures today shape up like this. mid 80s across the south bay and 90s. santa krooz is 78. livermore is 93 and in concord. that will be the warmest spot. oakland is 76 today and even in san francisco by the bay, 70 degrees and not bad i'm sure. it will be packed with lots of folks. >> thank you very much.
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>> we have developing news. a u.s. consulate is under fire and he is in sydney and the target of protests with the anti-muslim film produced here in the u.s. riot police clashed with about 200 protesters and according to australian tv reports, several people were injuried in that crowd. a policeman was knocked unconscious. the southern california man linked to the film was escorted to an interview with federal officials. federal probation officers want to know if he is in violation of his federal probation. he was convicted of federal bank fraud two years ago. the l.a. times reports he is not under arrest. as he is questioned, muslims are calling on the world to punish the filmmaker. the body of u.s. ambassador chris stevens of piedmont came
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home to the u.s. >> president obama was on hand as the remains of u.s. ambassador to libya and bay area native chris stevens and three american colleagues were returned home. they were murdered by a mob on the 9/11 anniversary at the embassy. >> justice will come to those who harm americans. most of all, even in our grief, we will be resolute. we are americans. we hold our head high. >> meanwhile the protest widened. this was iraq. in lebanon, symbols of the u.s. got burned in a kfc and a hardy's. many are furious about the anti-islam film made in the u.s. protests across the world in nearly 40 cities, republican vice presidential candidate paul ryan blamed president obama.
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>> what we do not see is steady consistent american leadership. that is what keeps the peace. that is what we will have in a romney ryan administration. >> team obama called it it an attempt to score political points. >> factually wrong and poorly timed. now is the time when americans should be coming together. >> as many in the muslim world are coming together against america. >> that was janelle wang reporting. prot test will remain on you tube despite a request from the white house. the national security council asked you tube to take another look at the anti-islamic film at strt of the controversy and consider whether it violates their terms of use. yesterday afternoon the giant declined the request. you tube determined that the video does not violate policies. mountain view's google owns you
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tube. hardly a restful night for a homeowner who awoke to a car smashing into the house. these are pictures from the fire department and the crash happened at the home near mayberry before 2:30 this morning. one person was taken to the hospital and as you can see the home was badly damaged. >> per also new this morning, san francisco police are trying to find the person who shot and killed a man in the bayview neighborhood overnight. it happened near the intersection of osceola lane and la salle avenue. the man was laying on the street suffering from at least one gunshot wound. police have not made any arrests. highway 1 is open this morning after a deadly crash shut it down in both directions for hours. it happened in san mateo around 11:30. the chp is investigating the cause of that deadly collision.
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>> he vanished on vacation. a northern california teenager never returned home after a retreat in peru. his death is linked to a ha louisgenic drug and an attempt to cover it up. today in the bay's cheryl hurd reports. >> reporter: at tonight's football game at analy high school, they read about the death of kyle nolan, but blake hamilton knew him. >> it's unfortunate and sad to lose somebody. >> in a community far away, the center in the peruvian junkle is where the master is. he went to explore and participate in a ritual where participates drink a brew that is part of a spiritual experience in the amazon basin. you are looking at you tube video of the drug and how it is prepared. >> i also don't think it was the
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smartest idea for him to be taking substances from a shawman in south america. >> that's what they say the 18-year-old native did. nolan is a triplet. his brother here between his siblings told me his parents knew kyle was going to the center which was located about 530 miles east of lima in the jungle in a peruvian amazon basin that borders brazil. he saved his money to take the trip. when he didn't come home on august 26th, his mother travelled to peru to find him. she passed out flyers to the locals. >> it's like he's vanished. no sign of him anywhere. >> they're told the democrat that monica looked his son's mother in the eye and said he seemed despondent and left the center. he later confussed to burying kyle and led police to the
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grave. they said he died as a result of an overdose of the brew. >> that is right cheryl hurd reporting. his mother and sister will bring his body back to his hometown and kyle's father said his son drake was given the drew. his death is being investigated by peruvian authorities. >> santa clara county deputies are investigating the death of a man whose body was found at a popular campground. he was found on bis basin way in unincorporated santa clara county last night. right now they are not sure whether the man killed himself or he was killed by someone else. they are not releasing his name. still ahead on today in the bay, a lifeline for homeless veterans where vets can get help with everything from a free haircut to a hot meal. the bay area airport that is warning to you expect delays over the next few weekends and why.
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where vets can get help with [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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is the 26-year-old from okland is jobless and hopeless and lacking direction. >> being used to something for so long and coming back to
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civilian life and trying to adjust and find work where being in the military is -- your days are planned. >> thanks to operation stand down, medina is not without hope. a tent city sprung up on the alameda fairgrounds from across the bay area are getting much needed help. from haircuts and hot meals to legal services. it's all here. >> the services provided here are in a sense everything you might need. we have dentists, doctors, orthopedists and dermatologists. >> jack. >> thol mu know what is a difference operation stand down can make. he went from a homeless client to a tent leader. he now has a job, a home, and a new outlook. >> i finally had to straighten my life around when i found this program to help me get my life on the right path.
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>> meanwhile medina is hoping to clean up credit and clean up tax issues to get back on track. he said there thousands like him who have served their country and been dealt a tough hand. >> most veterans in my generations are young when they join. especially joining out of high school and not knowing about taxes or just anything really. we are just growing up. >> it lasts through tomorrow and all the services through tomorrow are being paid for through donations. much more ahead on today in the bay. coming up, a bay area airport could affect your flight time if you are leaving or picking up grandma. >> 7:12 in the city of san francisco. we are not expecting to see a lot of cloud cover.
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a lot of sunshine on the other side of this break. stay tuned.
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>> good morning and looking live at the shot in fremont. not too breezy. how is that fog going to clear? let's ask anthony slaughter about that. >> these are the questions. good morning. i'm anthony slaughter. the fog is sticking around in some spots and low clouds that made their way into the east and south bay. as the sun continues to rise, we are expecting plenty of sunshine. we are at 50 in had to no vatto up from 48. as you saw earlier, 57 in fremont as the low clouds hang around. we are talking about sunshine
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through this upcoming weekend. lots of sun and the morning fog will be around at least until 7:00 or 8:00. san francisco and bo dego bay and towards the upcoming week, there is a cool down on the way. high pressure at the surface and aloft and lots of warm air from the pacific, but you notice a split flow off the west. that is an area of low pressure that will develop. cooler weather towards monday and tuesday and into wednesday. for the meantime the heat is on. we are talking about 80s and 90s into the east and at the coast, san francisco around 70 degrees. here are the numbers and how it turns out. 86 for you in san jose. 86 in los gatos. santa cruz 78.
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sunnyvale is 89. warmest spots in the east bay. lower 90 frz concord towards livermore. 91 and 93 respectively and towards hayward, 80 in fremont and 83. towards the peninsula and san francisco at 70. santa rosa wine country will be warm and 90 degrees to go along with the wine. we are watching the beaches and it's good. you will top out around 78 degrees with the temperatures in the mid 70s. all afternoon and another place we are watching, stanford we are rooting on for the football athletes. close to 80 by 4:00. 74 by 6:00. thanks for the music. nice effect. we are talking about 90s all the way through tomorrow and back into the 80s when we get in the upcoming week. beautiful weather and lots to do and lots of beautiful weather to be experienced. >> i'm chuckling on the football
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athletes. i saw that. >> we have these ropes on the ground. got to get my footing down. >> get your football in order. basketball season too. hock he? ping pong. if your weekend plans involve flying into or out of sfo, you better be prepared to wait a while. one of the airport's runways is shut down for safety improvements. the first temporary shut down began at 10:00 and lasts until 8:00 on monday morning. thousands of people left san francisco for the wine country this morning. all of them on foot. it is part of an annual relay race. today in the bay has special bay area athletes who are taking part. >> on air cold bay area morning, they gathered on the marina.
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>> hundreds out here. >> the occasion was the rag mag relay. a 200 mile footrace from san francisco to calistoga. >> the constant relay running. >> even in the crowd of 4,000, runner jeff turner stood out. he has only one leg. >> i started running one step at a time. >> with marathons and triathlons under his melt, they run for themselves as well as others. >> i showed people that losing a limb doesn't mean losing everything you love about life. >> this is all flat trail. >> despite the organizers, turner and the fellow runner set out with the crowd. there is an element of faith involved in running as an amputee. >> with each step he was further
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from the motorcycle accident that claimed his leg. >> i'm happy to find myself and to get with him. >> it is fantastic watching these guys running on the side. you really don't even notice. >> turner said while the heart and mind can overcome most, finances are a bigger challenge. >> prosthetics are really expensive and that's a hurdle to be honest. >> they will run through the night, ending up in calistoga saturday afternoon. for turner, the victory was already in hand. nbc bay area news. >> much more ahead on today in the bay. overpriced tickets at the new stadium. bad blood with gavin newsom. a one-on-one interview with the 31-year-old owner.
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you know what's exciting? graduation. when i look up into my students faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now.
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. >> looking live at san leandro where one of the coastal clean ups around the bay area is about to get under way. there is time for you to get involved if you want to clean up the coastline. ee is not much different from most silicon valley hot shot ceos. what sets him apart is he wears a tie and is building a billion dollar house for his team. this morning we have the exclusive behind the scenes access. raj mathai has the interview with the 49ers ceo and owner. >> joe montana. they have it in 90. >> it's a holly wood script. the little boy who grows up a die-hard 49ers fan. >> who is this? >> me in 1994 after beating the chargers. >> he is now the 49ers boss.
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hollywood is far from santa clara. across the street from his modest office is a billion dollar stadium. this will soon look like this. he learned from his father's mistakes. park are may parents love this team and love being in ohio most of the time. you need to be there and be part of the community. i have tried to be part of the community and getting involved whether it's charitably in business efforts and going to dinner in the city and making sure that people know you are here and you feel the city and feel what's going on. you feel the bay area. that's very, very important and a good lesson. >> one was the former mayor of
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san francisco and said this project is on shaky ground. why did it never work? >> the biggest thing was in san francisco. the infrastructure didn't exist. it's easy to say let's blame gavin newsom. >> there things that he did wrong. ultimately when you don't have the infrastructure to support it, that's what killed the deal. >> is it difficult to deal with the fan who is are priced out of coming here? >> the club seats are the first to go on sale. it's an $80,000 seat license and that's what everybody has to pay. that's not the case. you can't let the media or reports that are driven to get a headline and a sensation really deter you from the facts. that's why we have taken a really, really careful effort and approach to meet with every season ticket holder face-to-face and let them know what the options are. >> you always kept the door open for the raiders.
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is that still a possibility? >> it wasn't called out specifically to be the raiders, but it looks to make the most sense when you are looking at the raiders and trying to build a new building. >> your life will be changing in the next 30 to 60 days. are you excited? >> i'm very excited. my wife and i got married last summer and expecting a baby in about a month. i couldn't be happier for personal reasons and professional reasons. having a great partner like danielle and a new baby on the way, i don't think it gets much better than that. >> not only is he building a new stadium, but a new house about 20 minutes from santa clara. it is likely he will be running his team for the next several decades. the new stadium is scheduled to open in the summer of 2014. much more ahead. we are learning more about will at that time ban attack near a
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u.s. camp in afghanistan. it may be related to the backlash over the film that sparked worldwide protests. details are coming up. i'll get a build your own burger with something cheesy...
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but not just cheese - mac and cheese. then i wanna add some oomph. and... top it off with a little kick. and... napkins. it's build your own burger. now at denny's.
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. >> looking live to a lovely start to the day. it does look nice. thanks for joining us. anthony slaughter wants to be there right now. >> we're didn't see sun ten minutes ago. >> for has been fogy and cleared out. >> i did. like a magic wand. 50 in novato and 50 in napa as well. 57 this morning right now in san jose. we don't have a lot to talk about the low clouds are starting to burn off and the storm track is well to the north and pushing way up to alaska. no major storm systems this
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weekend and nor for this upcoming week. 83 in palo alto. one of the warmer spots is gilroy. 93 in concord and none n walnut creek and alameda will be 74. oakland is 76 and not bad. near the water, places are typically cold it will be nice. everybody gets a dose of warm sunshine. >> we will be happy to have it. we are following developing new this is morning. most cities around the muslim world are reporting a calm day after protests around the world against an anti-islam film produced in the u.s. egyptian police cleared out protesters who were clashing with police there. overnight in australia, it was a different situation. riot police clashed with about 200 protesters and reports say
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several people were injured in the crowd. policeman was knocked unconscious. overnight the southern california man linked to the anti-muslim film to an interview with and they want to know if he is in violation of federal probation. two years ago he was convicted of bank fraught. the l.a. times reports he is in custody but has not been arrested. luz limits around the world want to do more to punish the filmmaker. >> the e mains of chris stevens are back on u.s. soil this morning. stevens and three colleagues were killed on september 11 during a protest over the aspect muslim film. their bodies arrived at andrews air force base where families, friends and dignitaries held an emotional ceremony before the
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flag-draped coffins. >> i was honored to know ambassador chris stevens. i want to thank his parents and siblings who are here today for sharing chris with us and with our country. >> stevens went to piedmont high school and guarduated from cal. president obama promised to seek justice in the killings. several people are in custody in connection with that deadly consulate attack. new this morning, the taliban is claiming support for an attack in southern afghanistan where two u.s. marines were killed and others were injured. the overnight attack focussed on a british base that houses marine operations in afghanistan's heldman province. prince harry is based there and the british ministry said the prince was not injured. the attack was to avenge the
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anti-muslim film produced in the u.s. >> a heart breaking accident in san jose. a young boy is dead after a bike accident near his home. it happened south of the neighborhood at the corner of farm drive and dow drive before 8:00. the 8-year-old boy was riding on a small mini bike when he drove out of a driveway into the street. that's where he was hit by the truck. the child was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. in the wake of this accident, police are offering words of caution. >> when you are in a neighborhood like this, it's highly populate and it's dark and the street lights are not all functioning and the speed has to come down below the speed limit. that's not enough time to react. >> i like the car stop and i checked and it was my friend. >> police are talking to
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eyewitnesss and also to the driver of the truck that hit the boy. it's too early to say whether charges will be filed. >> police are investigating an overnight attack. a man told police he was walking near the student union when he was approached by to five men early friday. had a pocket knife and demanded that the victim hand over his money and started beating him. >> it is a little scary. it's campus and students are supposed to be safe at all times. >> there is only so much you can do to avoid these things. you can be afraid, but you can't help in the meantime. you go about and hope someone will handle the bad situations. >> his left hand was injured in the attack. >> a suspicious suitcase deemed safe at a major avenue open once
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again. someone opened the suitcase in san jose yesterday. that prompted authorities to shut down snell avenue. people who live in the area were asked to stay indoors as the bomb unit investigated. they determined there were no explosives in the suitcase. >> a professor from the month ray naval academy is accused of killing his estranged wife whose body was found dumped on a rural road near gilroy. the 69-year-old lawrence jones is under arrest in connection with his 29-year-old wife's murder. lawrence jones was arrested in los angeles where police say he was on the run. detectives say he killed his wife in monterey and dumped her in san benito county. the couple married about five years ago and now jones success held without bail. this weekend marks six months since sierra la mar disappeared.
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in holster, the city is holding their second annual hot cars and guitars festival to raise money to help the search for sierra fund. some of the proceeds will go to the klaas kids foundation. it features classic cars and live entertainment and food. hot cars and gi stars will be holster's bolado park. still ahead, why online shoppers were up late last night snapping up bargains on why people in one bay area city are being asked to boil their water this weekend. we will show you where. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day, within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor.
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♪ nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. now try our new crunchy dark chocolate peanut butter bar. looks like it's going to start a so little um, but i uh... (interupting) oh okay - okay yup that's fine. excuse me - sorry. yes! vo: from the new, to the hard to find: when it's on your mind, it's on ebay™. dad, we want pizza. you guys said tacos. [ female announcer ] it doesn't always work out that way. you know what? we're spending too much money on eating out anyway. honey, come look at this. [ female announcer ] my money map from wells fargo
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is a free online tool that helps you track your spending. so instead of having to deal with a tight budget, you could have a tighter family. ♪ wells fargo. together we'll go far. wells fargo. good morning and looking live in san leandro where the
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sign up is getting under way for the coast an clean up. one of the many happening around the bay area. there is time for to you get involved. go to nbc bay area for more information. california's amazon tax took effect overnight. that new law requires internet only stores to start charging sales tax from 7.25% to 9.25%. amazon used to leave it up to customers to pay the taxes themselves. less than a half percent of californians were doing that, costing the state more than $1 million each year. how are people reacting? amazon saw a recent spike of about 10% in sales as many rushed to buy the big ticket item before the tax kicked in at midnight mcdonald's restaurants will start adding calorie counts on monday. we have been seeing them here in
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california for a while, but the hamburger chain said the move comes ahead of regulation to require the chains to post that information as early as next year nationwide. mcdonald's said they want to voluntarily post the information. the company is testing healthier options for next year such as an egg mcmuffin made with egg whites and a whole grain muffin. not exactly a mcgriddle. >> several people are being asked to boil tap water. the department of public health said people in the jackson oaks area of morgan hill should boil water all this weekend or use bottled water. it is a safety precaution after a pipeline failed in the area. the city is testing the water and will not have results until next week. still ahead on today in the bay, how you may be able to help a san francisco boy who is fighting for his life as time runs out. his unforgettable story coming up.
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>> this morning, still waiting on the clouds to move away. we will break down the forecast and get you into the last full week of summer. here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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>> welcome back at 7:44. taking a look out across the bay bridge. all the way over to oakland, you can notice that the sun is starting to peek through, a good indication that we are burning away the foggy coastline in the bay area this morning. we are talking about a very warm weekend and highs today will get into the 90s across inland portions of the bay. keep that sunscreen handy and if you are making plans to head out across any portion of the bay area, remember to drink water with this hot air across the area. 57 right now in san jose. 59 in sunnyvale. right now oakland at 55 degrees.
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as we get you through the headlines, we do have the coastal fog hanging around, but by this afternoon, 90s are on the way as those inland cities warm up quickly. ahead, this upcoming week, the last full week of summer, we are talking about slight cooling which is an indicator that fall is say week away from today. we don't have a lot to talk about on the surface map. high pressure in control and keeping us dry and warm. to the north, we have a split flow that allows for cooler weather, but today and tomorrow, we are talking 80s and 90s in places like livermore and concord and morgan hill. it will be close to the lower 90 mark and the winds shift. even to the day, santa rosa and wine country. one thing to make note of as we are entering into the last full week of summer as fall brings in changes. we're under an el nino watch
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october through january. this is the break down of what that means. our pacific waters will start to warm. that could increase the potential for not only a slight el nino and a moderate el nino. it will mean below to average temperatures. that will be through the upcoming fall into the winter. temperatures back to 86 and 89 in sunnyvale. santa cruz not bad at 78. east bay will be the warmest of the pces today. 92 in danville and in concord. san francisco is very nice at 70. here's a look at the seven-day forecast. we are talking about one weekend and then the cooling begins as we head towards the last full week of summer and fall begins next saturday around this time. you will notice by friday of this upcoming week hanging on to the 90s tightly so. as we get into fall, the gradual
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cool down will come and the rain was welcome. we haven't seen a lot of rain this summer. the last time we saw significant rain was in april. we can use it. >> we had a spattering for a minute. my kids were like what it is that? >> a couple of traces. getting ready. >> i'm looking forward to it. thank you very much. >> a san francisco boy is fighting for his this morning and time is running out. 2-year-old jeremy khan needs a bone marrow match. over nine million people on the registry only 1% match his ethnicity. he is chinese. this is how we help. >> jeremy kong was like any other 2-year-old boy until june when doctors told his parents their son suffers from a rare form of leukemia and he needs a bone marrow match by december.
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>> i love and adore him. it's just hard to see him and not know what's going to happen to him. >> ruby long with thea izian american donor program is fighting for the family. she lost a friend to leukemia on tuesday. this 25-year-old got many you tube views after posting a plea for a donor online. she waited three years. that was last week. that was too long. >> it normally takes about 45 days for the cells to graft after transplant because she received about 15 rounds of chemotherapy. her body was weak. >> getting people to sign up has been difficult. they blame east asian superstition. >> they're don't want to talk about what could happen. don't say it or you jinx it.
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>> they are still fighting not for one future, but for two. this is when jeremy first felt his brother kicking. alice is eight months pregnant and wants him to get the chance to grow up. per are he's a great little guy and can't help but think what a great holder brother he would be. >> i love you. >> all it takes to determine whether you are a match is to stab the inside of your cheek. for more on how you can help, check our website at nbc bay area news. >> it is going to be a busy day along california's beachesas we talked about this morning. many communities are taking part in the 28th annual coastal clean up day. in the east bay, san leandro is doing its part. volunteers will gather to sweep through the beaches and pick up
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trash. they might find a surprise in the form of debris from last year's tsunami. scientists say the debris is not radioactive. there two staging areas in san leandro today. by monarch bay bridge. the clean upstarts this morning at 8:00. the peninsula taking part in the beach clean up and asking for your help. they need to volunteer at the creek site. if you want to help out, you can register at the clean up web page and that starts this morning at 9:00. the south bay is turning into wine country. santa clara is hosting the arts and wine festival and there will be about 175 booths featuring local and regional artists. 25 community groups will serve international foods and of course there will be live entertainment. the festival will be held at the santa clara central park at the corner of kiley boulevard and homestead road.
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this gets started at 10:00 this morning and runs through sunday. admission is free. still ahead on today in the bay, it is not even in stores yet, but we will show you how one the hottest gadgets sold out in just an hour. mike inouye has a look at the calendar. >> i'm mike inouye and this is a special week for me. my anniversary here at nbc bay area and the 25th anniversary for comedy sports san jose. tonight we complete the cell brigz with two final shows of live family friendly laughs. i will be performing in the 9:30 show. there is an earlier too. 25 years in the silicon valley. cause for confetti or at least glitter of for more talk, up the peninsula on the coast on ocean beach. this is called a glitter walk. truth be told, there is no glitter involved, but a
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4-year-old girl kept calling litter glitter and it stuck. also of course the environment. from the north or south of vietnam, either way you say it's beautiful. 100 dancers and 40 drummers and the sound outside the center for performing arts kickoff the celebration of visual arts, language, and energy. proceeds from the day benefit the children's shelter in and our elegant and intelligent vicki nguyen present our humanitarian award. she shares a fashion sense with kris sanchez. get on your saturday best and get out there today in the bay. have you heard of the new dialing procedure
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for the 408 and 669 area codes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number and i'm calling a 408 number? you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out!
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. looking live at palo alto.
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traffic flowing along nicely on highway 101. i wish they were home with us. you too? if you have not ordered it yet, you will have to wait for the iphone 5. apple sold out within an hour, crashing the website and sending the company stocks to a record high. that means if you have not preordered the smart phone, you probably can't get it until october. delivery times grew longer as the day went on and carriers that promised the phone on september 21st are estimating delivery the following week. that sets the stage for long lines outside apple stores on friday when the phones officially hit the street. another apple related story. this is video from inside an apple store in southern california. it shows some would be robbers crashing an suv through the front plate glass. several men jump out and take everything in sight, but they ran into problems, the security gate came down, trapping the
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car. they broke through, but they got a flat tire on the way out. they then stole a fix a flat kit from a nearby 7-11. seriously. they probably realized their license plate was missing and they went back to the apple store to look for it and the police were there to arrest them. not smart people. >> for you have the acting bug and can sing, you can snag a major roll n production. they have beach blanket babylon. the auditions are opening for january in 2013. they will be at the club at noon today. no appointment necessary. folks should be prepared to sing one ballad and one upbeat tempo number. preferably rock or pop. you should ring a resume and a photo. much more ahead. coming up, we have sloan, an adorable terrier who needs a
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. this morning our friends from pets in need are here. lisa simmons with sloan. sloan just had puppies. >> when we rescued her a few months ago she had clearly just had puppies. she was kind of a neurotic wreck. we have been working on her. she is spayed so that will never happen again. we think she is ready to go. she is active and smart as a whip. she needs a very active family. >> very good. >> if you want more information about sloan or the other pets in need, go to pets in thanks as always for bringing in all the pets. thank you for upon helping us start our morning off. we have more local news at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00.
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